TERENCE MITFORD    Thriller Writer

This is where you can join my Advance Readers Team and get advanced copies of my books to read and offer feedback. It will be great to have you onboard.


Q. What does it entail?

A. My Advance Readers are people who enjoy reading thrillers and are happy to assist me by reading free advance copies of my books prior to publication and providing brief feedback.

Q. How much feedback do I want?

R. As much or as little as you want to provide. From a single sentence, to a multi paragraph review. The choice is yours. (I plan to introduce a short tick box questionaire to make giving feedback quick and simple. There will be a voluntary text box where you can leave subjective feedback). 

Q. Are Advance Readers important?

A. Advance Readers are a valuable resource for Authors because they help to ensure publication goes smoothly. Feedback can help identify whether changes are needed before the publication button is pressed. AV’s are representative of the target audience the author is publishing for, therefore their opinions matter.

I hope to forge lasting relationships with my Advance Reader Team, but you can unsubscribe at any time.


Advance Reader Team